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Join the OnlyMeets chatter today with banter, meets, reviews, news, views, opinions, polls, debates and a lot more

Legals: By proceeding you understand and agree that OnlyMeets does not take any responsibility for topics, posts and replies submitted on our Forum's and these remain the sole responsibility of the user(s).  To ensure we comply with our legal obligations we will regularly check topics, posts, replies and user reports and take appropriate actions to ensure the continued safety of our community.  Please ensure Forum rules are read and understood, these can be found at the bottom of the page.

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→ Equality - everyone is equal at OnlyMeets

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Red Room Rules

Please read all Red Room rules

Please read carefully

→ Equality - everyone is equal at OnlyMeets

→ Abuse - banter, views and opinions are encouraged, abuse will get you kicked

→ Spamming - profiles and IP's found to be spamming Red Rooms will be blocked

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→ Selling - Selling or advertising items is forbidden.  VIP+ members can sell through their authorised page

→ Keep Legal - Nothing illegal to be posted, we can't be any clearer than that

→ Respect - Treat members with respect at all times, even if your opinion differs

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